Here, you will find information that may be handy at the time of thinking of Spain as a location to field your project. In particular, this section contains news about services and offers provided by A Window.

Additionally, practitioners will find industry news, facts, figures, stats and some travel information for international execs. Thus, if you frequently research in Spain or you like us, it may be worthwhile to save the link.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Celebrate with us the Spring and the upcoming Saint George's Day!

This year we want to share the magic of Saint George’s day with our clients around the globe and to do so the clients who book our facility during April or May will receive the best selling novel by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind.
This may be hard to understand for those who have never experienced it. Saint George's Day is a popular festive day when book and rose stalls, and, above all, floods of people, take over the streets of Barcelona. The celebration could not be simpler: the ritual consists of going for a walk and buying a rose, a book or both to give to loved ones, family members and friends.
Get ready to enjoy the tradition!